they melt in your mouth and not in your hands

on Saturday, November 1, 2008

its 2.30 am on a saturday morning....

its feeding time...

India guzzles her chichita (our code for the breast)...

i sit and snack on m&ms (thanks kelly!) while i catch up on the last 3 episodes of home and away (thanks youtube)...

at around 4 am we stumble back to bed...

the baker girls content and Kent none the wiser


Irish said...

Remember those times well .... Oh and isn't Utube the best :)

Ash said...

Love it!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Georgie! I added you to my blog list. Love ya!! x
U2 kent ;)

Dee said...

But they do melt in your hand especially the blue ones. I think they must have changed the recipe a few years ago. BTW Ewan still thinks they are different flavours.

andy smylie said...

Hey Georgia

got a couple of keepers from the blessing. have given a disc to your dad but they are in raw format. DOH!

hope Kent can convert to jpg. let me know and I will save them again in different format for you.

Love Ya XO XO